Montgomery County Civic Federation, Inc.

MCCF Resolutions

The following is a list of Civic Federation Resolutions and the date each was adopted, in reverse chronological order (starting with the most recent).  Whenever possible, a link is provided to the resolution text or the MCCF newsletter issue where the resolution was reported.

Year Resolution
11/04/2024 Resolution on the Attainable Housing Strategies Initiative (AHSI)VIEW TEXT
05/13/2024 Resolution on Priorities and Approaches for Housing Policy and LegislationVIEW TEXT
01/08/2024 Resolution Urging County on Trees, Stumps, and Invasive PlantsVIEW TEXT
05/08/2023 Resolution on the Proposed Property Tax Increase to Fund Montgomery County Public Schools VIEW TEXT
09/12/2022 Resolution Calling on County Council to Disapprove Thrive Montgomery 2050 and UpzoningVIEW TEXT
05/09/2022 Resolution Supporting Funding of the Office of the People’s CounselVIEW TEXT
10/11/2021 Resolution on Proposed Rezoning of Residential Neighborhoods in Montgomery CountyVIEW TEXT
09/13/2021 Resolution on the Thrive 2050 Draft PlanVIEW TEXT
09/14/2020 Resolution on Montgomery County’s General Plan, “Thrive Montgomery 2050”VIEW TEXT
09/14/2020 Resolution on the I-495 (Beltway) and I-270 Expansion and DEISVIEW TEXT
06/08/20 Resolution on Urban Tree CanopyVIEW TEXT
03/09/2020 Resolution Opposing WMATA Proposed Service ReductionsVIEW TEXT
03/09/2020 Resolution to Support Nine Districts for MoCo Ballot ReferendumVIEW TEXT
01/13/2020 Resolution on Bill 38-19:  Streets and Roads — Permit to Obstruct Public Rights-of-WayVIEW TEXT
11/11/2019 Resolution on Pedestrian SafetyVIEW TEXT
11/11/2019 Resolution on a Montgomery County Public Schools Inspector GeneralVIEW TEXT
11/12/2018 Resolution on Proposed I-495 Beltway ExpansionVIEW TEXT
7/22/2018 Resolution on the Farm Road CommunityVIEW TEXT
3/12/2018 Resolution to oppose ZTA 18-02, “Telecommunications Towers, Limited Use,” in its current form and support changes to the ZTA that would provide for adequate public notice, input and setbacks from sensitive locations
3/12/2018 Emergency Resolution to oppose late-filed bills — Senate Bill 1188 and House Bill 1767, Wireless Facilities, Permitting and Siting — sponsored by Senator Middleton and Delegate Davis.  These bills would preempt local governments from exercising their zoning and siting authority over facilities installed in their rightof-way
3/12/2018 Emergency Resolution to oppose House Bill 1363, Eminent Domain “Quick Take,” sponsored by Delegate Parrott
2/12/2018 Resolution on Maryland Senate Bill 132 and House Bill 500 Crimes — Child Abuse and Neglect — Failure to ReportVIEW TEXT
12/11/2017 Resolution on Cover-Up of Child Sex Abuse in Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS)VIEW TEXT
11/14/2016 Resolution against politically motivated vandalism and hate speechVIEW TEXT
11/14/2016 Resolution to thank County Council for their continued support for archery hunting to shrink the deer herds in suburban neighborhoods and support local bill MC 10-17, “Archery Hunting — Safety Zone,” to reduce the safety zone from 100 yards to 50 yards passedVIEW TEXT
10/10/2016 Resolution to support the 2016 Ballot Question A to amend the County Charter and provide a special election to fill a vacant office of County Executive was passed
10/10/2016 Resolution to support the 2016 Ballot Question B to amend the County Charter to limit County Council and County Executive office holders to three consecutive terms, or 12 consecutive years in office passedVIEW TEXT
10/10/2016 Resolution to oppose Bill 41-16 to eliminate the Office of People’s Counsel from County Code passed
10/10/2016 Resolution to oppose Zoning Text Amendment 16-09 to permit rooftop signage on every elevation of building passed
10/10/2016 Resolution to support Bills 38-16 and 39-16 to require registration of certain vacant properties and impose penalty for failure to register a foreclosure purchase passed
10/10/2016 Resolution to support resident request to reduce the Floor Area Ratio to 1.5 along Grubb and Lyttonsville Roads in the Greater Lyttonsville Sector Plan passed
9/12/2016 Support of testimony for SSP hearing passed by emergency resolution as proposed by Harriet and amended
9/12/2016 Resolution to oppose elimination of public hearings on proposed ZTAs, as well as the setback reduction in residential zones
2/8/2016 Resolution Opposing Zoning Text Amendment 16-03 and Bill 2-16VIEW TEXT
12/15/15 Resolution to urge legislation in 2016 allowing Sunday archery hunting for deer in Montgomery County on all Sundays during the seasonVIEW TEXT
05/11/15 Resolution in support of Zoning Text Amendment 15-07 to increase the buffer zone around mega gas stationsVIEW TEXT
10/13/14 Resolution in support of Council Bill 41-14 to ban expanded polystyrene containersVIEW TEXT
06/09/14 Resolution urging non-vehicular paths in PEPCO Right-of-WayVIEW TEXT
10/14/13 Resolution recommending countywide bike safety campaignVIEW TEXT
10/14/13 Resolution regarding MCPD bike patrol activitiesVIEW TEXT
10/14/13 Resolution recommending improving bicycle infrastructureVIEW TEXT
09/09/13 Position supporting draft County Council “Right to Vote” ResolutionVIEW TEXT
09/09/13 Resolution supporting bill requiring coordination of work in public rights-of-wayVIEW TEXT
09/09/13 Resolution on proposed Clarksburg Master Plan Limited Amendment for Ten Mile Creek Watershed areaVIEW TEXT
06/10/13 Resolution calling on Council to amend county Ethics LawVIEW TEXT
06/10/13 Resolution supporting passage of Bill 41-12, Roadside Tree ProtectionVIEW TEXT
02/11/13 Resolution supporting Revocation of Chelsea Court (Silver Spring) Stormwater PermitVIEW TEXT
01/14/13 Resolution on Forest and Tree ProtectionVIEW TEXT
01/14/13 Resolution opposing Artificial Turf Playing FieldsVIEW TEXT
12/03/12 Resolution regarding Wheaton Costco Special Exception applicationVIEW TEXT
09/10/12 Resolution to support Bill 21-12, prohibition on sale and use of coal tar pavement products in the countyVIEW TEXT
09/10/12 Position on 2012 Subdivision Staging Policy, formerly known as Growth PolicyVIEW TEXT
09/10/12 Position on Bill 23-12, Open GovernmentVIEW TEXT
09/10/12 Amended position on Accessory Apartments ZTA 12-11VIEW TEXT
06/11/12 Position on Report of the County Executive’s Transit Task Force concerning creation of a countywide Rapid Transit Vehicle (aka Bus Rapid Transit) systemVIEW TEXT
06/11/12 Resolution to support ZTA 12-07, revised standards for mega gas stationsVIEW TEXT
05/14/12 Position on draft Park, Recreation, and Open Space (PROS) PlanVIEW TEXT
05/14/12 Position on proposed Accessory Apartments Zoning Text Amendment adoptedVIEW TEXT
05/14/12 Resolution to support Emergency Medical Transport Services Reimbursement was disapproved
03/12/12 Resolution supporting ZTAs 12-01 and 12-02, regarding large retail stores and combination retail stores, if amended to require Special Exception approval for such stores regardless of location
03/12/12 Resolution supporting Bill 4-12 requiring large retail stores pay employees minimum wage and provide health insurance if on property receiving $100,000 or more in Economic Development Fund support or are located in designated urban renewal plan area.
03/12/12 Resolution to oppose legislation in state general assembly that would circumvent county law regarding Council process required to exceed the charter limit on property taxes
02/13/12 Resolution on White-tailed DeerVIEW TEXT
01/09/12 Urging MTA not drop number of stops at MARC stations in county below existing levels
12/12/11 Opposing passage of Council Bill 39-11, to exempt new market rate rental dwellings from payingtransportation and school impact taxes under certain circumstances
11/14/11 Supporting passage of Council Bill 35-11, Offenses — Loitering and Prowling — Established
11/14/11 Opposing passage of Council Bill 25-11, to impose a Teen Curfew
06/13/11 Opposing MCPS taking Public Park landsVIEW TEXT
06/13/11 Authorizing transmittal to Council of MCCF concerns with proposed legislation re provision of space for government facilities in development projects on CBD zoned propertiesVIEW TEXT
06/13/11 Authorizing transmittal to Council of MCCF concerns with proposed new Noise Control standardsfor urban areasVIEW TEXT
04/11/11 Urging County Executive to vacate plans to convert MCPS-owned property on Brickyard Road in Potomac to soccer fields, and study alternative site and also need for new fields in a citizen-inclusive processVIEW TEXT
04/11/11 Supporting Council Bill 12-11, legislation to prohibit county employees from soliciting donationsfrom occupants of vehicles in the public right-of-way while “on the clock”
01/10/11 Regarding sediment and stormwater runoff controlVIEW TEXT
09/13/10 Supporting Sewer Category changes conform to master plansVIEW TEXT
03/08/10 Opposing approval of First Baptist Church of Wheaton project proposed for site on Emory Church Road, OlneyVIEW TEXT
12/08/08 Authorizing Wayne Goldstein, member of MCCF Planning and Land Use Committee, toparticipate in the case before the Hearing Examiner on the Special Exceptions Modification application by Suburban Hospital — for expansion of their facilities to include the closure of a portion of Lincoln Street in Bethesda — and to oppose the plans as submitted, especially the closure of Lincoln StreetREAD MINUTES
04/18/08 Opposing imposition of an ambulance fee as proposed by the County Executive in the FY09county Operating BudgetREAD MINUTES
09/10/07 Supporting change in the MPDU (Moderately Priced Dwelling Unit) “sale unit” offering processVIEW TEXT
05/14/07 Recommending officials model build-out of county using on-line toolkit on U.S. Department of Environmental Protection websiteVIEW LETTER
04/10/06 Urging preservation of the county tree canopyVIEW TEXT
09/12/05 Opposing sale of Peary High School site to Berman Hebrew AcademyVIEW RESOLUTION
09/13/04 Support continuing the approval process for all accessory apartments as Special Exceptions granted by the Board of Appeals